Detail of Electronic Procedures

Presentación de solicitudes y denuncias relativas a incumplimientos la Ley 34/2002 de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico (LSSI) así como contestación a requerimientos de información, contestación a apercibimientos, remisión de alegaciones y otros escritos relativos a la aplicación de la misma Ley.
Access Mode
Digital Certificate Cl@ve
Management Centre
Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence - E05252301
Directorate General
Sin especificar
Management unit
SG for the Digital Society


Law 34 / 2002, of July 11th, of services of the information society and trade program (BOE 12 / 07 / 2002) (consolidated version):

Article 4 of the law 56 / 2007, 28 December (BOE 29/12/2007)

measures of momentum of the Information society, amending the law 34 / 2002, of July 11th, of services of the Information society and trade Program.

Unique derogation Hundertwasser Law 25 / 2007 of October 18 (BOE 19/10/2007)

conservation of data electro communications and public networks of communications, amending the law 34 / 2002, of July 11th, of services of the information society and trade program.

Additional Hundertwasser 8th of law 59 / 2003 of 19th December (BOE 20/12/2013)

Electronic signature, amending the law of services of the Information society and trade Program

Final disposal first of law 32 / 2003 of 3 November (BOE 04/11/2003)

Overall telecommunications, amending the law of services of the Information society and trade Program.

Correctness of error of law 34 / 2002 of July 11th (BOE 06/08/2002)

of services of the Information society and trade Program.

Law 34 / 2002, of July 11th (BOE 12/07/2002)

of services of the information society and trade program (original)

Directive 2000 / 31 / CE of the European Parliament and of the council, 8 June [PDF] [135 Kbps]

concerning certain aspects of legal services of the information society, including trade program in the internal market (Directive on trade program).

Access procedure

Digital Certificate

Access to the procedure with digital certificate

Access to the procedure with Cl@ve

Additional information

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 990983
Punitive Procedure for offences included in Law 34 / 2002, of July 11th, of services of the Information society and trade Program