Detail of Electronic Procedures

Form to use for the layout of claims for breach of the law 9 / 2014, 9 May, global telecommunications
Access Mode
Digital Certificate
Management Centre
Secretariat of state of telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure - E05069801
Directorate General
Secretaría General de Telecomunicaciones y Ordenación de los Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual - E04796207
Management unit
S.G. of Attention to the User of Telecommunications and Digital Services


Access procedure

Digital Certificate

Form's complete online telematic storage and shipping

Help to complete the application

Technical requirements for the signature electronica

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 2891989
Denuncias por vulneración de la Ley 11/2022, de 28 junio, General de Telecomunicaciones