Detail of Electronic Procedures

Recognize how association of amateur radio associations are legally constituted and registered in the Register of Associations whose purpose for amateur radio and undertake to comply with legislation on the subject.
Access Mode
Digital Certificate
Management Centre
Secretariat of state of telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure - E05069801
Directorate General
Secretaría General de Telecomunicaciones y Ordenación de los Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual - E04796207
Management unit
S.G. Telecommunication Organization
Certifications and declarations


Command IET1311 /, of the 9 July, (BOE 12/07/2013)

which approves the regulations of use of public domain radioelectrico for Hamradio operators. (Article 18 of the above-mentioned regulations).

Access procedure

Digital Certificate

The applicant must provide:

  • Statutes of the association.
  • Resolution of inscription on the national registry of associations or as an association of the corresponding Autonomous Community.
  • Copy of N.I.F. of the organisation.

Application for recognition as hamradio Association

Manuals browser configuration for the signature electronica

Requirements Applet's configuration of signature [PDF] [740 KBPS]

General requirements configuration of the storeroom of certificates [PDF] [1502 KB]

Additional information

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 991003
Recognition of radio amateurs' associations.