Detail of Electronic Procedures

  • Request for further Radio Networks of Fixed and mobile narrowband.
  • Request to change authorized Radio Networks.
  • Correction of Application.
  • Discontinuance of Application.
  • Presentation of allegations.


Access Mode
Digital Certificate
Management Centre
Secretariat of state of telecommunications and Digital Infrastructure - E05069801
Directorate General
Secretaría General de Telecomunicaciones y Ordenación de los Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual - E04796207
Management unit
S.G. planning and Management of the spectrum - EA0027929
Radioelectric Spectrum


Act 9 / 2014 of 9 May, global telecommunications (BOE 10-05-2014)

Royal Decree 123 / 2017, 24 February (BOE 08 / 03 / 2017)

which approves the regulations on the use of public domain radioelectrico

Royal Decree 1066 / 2001 of 28 September (BOE 29-09-2001)

approving the Regulations establishes conditions of protection of the public domain radioelectrico, restrictions on emissions radioelectricas and health protection measures against radioelectricas emissions

Resolution of 4 May 2017 (BOE 12-05-2017)

the secretary of state for the Information society and the Digital Agenda, which determine the types of radioelectricas stations for which requires a substitute certification of the act of recognition tecnico prior to the authorization for the commissioning

Processing of personal data [PDF] [504 KB]

Enlace de Interés para los eventos de la EURO 2020: En el caso de los eventos de la competición EURO 2020, véase el portal de la UEFA

Notifications for the request is made through electronic means appear or his representative properly identified at headquarters electronica of the ministry (access with certificate program). Report of the existence of such notifications through the email address specified in the application.

In accordance with the current regulations, if within ten days without accessing the content of notification, if it is that it has been rejected and performed by walk processing, continuing the procedure.

Access procedure

Digital Certificate

Application SM _ GenXML: Tool of XML file generation Radio networks And mobile service narrowband Fixed and access to the scheme XSD

Request New Radio Networks Fixed and mobile narrowband

Request modification of Radio Networks Fixed and mobile narrowband

Correction of the application

Discontinuance Radio Network application

Presentation of allegations

Payment of fees for processing Telecommunications. 790 form

Rate request exemption model [DOCX] [159 KBPS]

Rate request exemption model [ODT] [139 KBPS]

Additional data unstructured the project SMFBE [DOC] [123 KBPS]

Additional data unstructured the project SMFBE [ODT] [81 KBPS]

Statement does not disqualification professional competence [DOC] [19] KB

Statement does not disqualification professional competence [ODT] [9 KBPS]

Help to complete the application

User Manual of the tool SM _ GenXML for generating XML file radio networks of Fixed and mobile narrowband [PDF] [2.60 MB]

User Manual for electronic processing of radio networks of Fixed and mobile narrowband [PDF] [544,92 KBPS]

Self-signature: tool for the electronic signature XML file

Technical requirements for the electronic signature

Data checking municipality

Additional information

Request for information by

Events of short duration and experimental uses (Spanish and English)

Information on applications for individual authorisation of use of frequencies for events of short duration and pilot testing [PDF] [475 KBPS]

Information on applications for individual authorization of radioelectric spectrum use for pilot tests and short term events (temporary authorizations) [PDF][647 KB]

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 206146
Stations are part of radio networks, satellite, fixed point-to-multipoint, fixed broadband reserved band, mobile and fixed and otros-autorización narrowband for commissioning
S.I.A. Code: 990984
Granting concessions, authorizations and encumbrances demaniales
S.I.A. Code: 990987
Cancellation of concessions, authorizations and encumbrances demaniales
S.I.A. Code: 990988
Restoration of concessions, authorizations and encumbrances demaniales