Detail of Electronic Procedures

Communications that, according to article 7 and the Fourth Additional Provision of the royal Decreto-ley 12 / 2018, 7 September of security of networks and information systems, must forward the digital service providers the scope of the royal Decreto-ley to start their activity, or the existing on 7 September 2018.
Access Mode
Digital Certificate Cl@ve
Management Centre
Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence - E05252301
Directorate General
Sin especificar
Management unit
S.G. de Ciberseguridad - EA0051710
Security of networks and information systems


Real Decreto Ley 12/2018, de 7 de septiembre, de Seguridad de las Redes y Sistemas de Información

Access procedure

Digital Certificate

Access to the procedurewith Digital Certificate

Expansion of information


Access to the procedure with Cl@ve

Expansion of information

Support information for all access modes

Information for other modes of procedures

Management Information System Procedures

S.I.A. Code: 1814059
Communications from digital service providers to initiate your activity as markets online, search engines service online or cloud computing